Drake Democrats

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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

First-ever Drake Democrats Liberal Date Auction

Tomorrow night is the first-ever Drake Democrats Liberal Date Auction (and Rally!) at 7 PM in the Olmsted Student Union--Pomerantz Stage. Here is a message from Drake Dems President Patrick Rynard about the auction:
"It's here! Thursday night at 7:00pm we will hold our biggest event of the year with the Liberal Date Auction. Make sure to bring lots of your friends out to a really exciting and fun night, over at Pomerantz Stage in Olmsted.

And in response to the many negative feelings over the College Republicans' "Freedom" Week, we will hold a short, really exciting rally. We will have a quick RALLY speech about the Democratic Party, and we absolutely promise you, you will not want to miss it. The rally will be at 7:00pm, and we'll get right into the auction very quickly, but be sure to come for it all.

A whole, whole lot of work has gone into this event, so please come out and bring lots of people, it's going to be an amazing night. And thank you so much to everyone who has helped in making it a success."
It should be an amazing time. Oh, and we're having a competition among the Greek houses on campus as well with a special award for the fraternity/sorority representative who garners the largest bid--the Greek Greek 'Hottest Piece of Ass Award'.

If you're interested in seeing some of the dates up for bidding and their hilarious slogans, check them out here.


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